Friday, October 11, 2019

Math 208 Week One Individual

Chapter 1 – Section 1. 1 Write the interval of real numbers in interval notation and graph it. See Example 5. 50. The set of real numbers less than or equal to -4 Consider the following nine integers: -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 94. Which of these integers has an absolute value greater than 1? Solution: -4, -3, -2, 2, 3, 4 Write the interval notation for the interval of real numbers shown in the graph. __________________ -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 A B Hint: replace a with (-3) and evaluate each expression. Which are positive and which negative? a)-3 solution: positive (b)|-3| solution: positive (c)-|3| solution: negative (d)-(-3) = 3 solution: negative (e)-|-3| solution: negative Chapter 1 – Section 1. 2 Build up the fraction so that it is equivalent to the fraction with the indicated denominator. See Example 1. 5/7=? /98 (fraction problem) Let the missing number be x then Therefore, Convert the given fraction to both decimal and percent. See Example 8 or use a calculator. 19/20 = 0. 95, 95% Perform the indicated operations. See Example 7c. Chapter 1 – Section 1. 3Fill the correct value in the parentheses to make the statement correct. See Example 4. Solution : -9-(-2. 3) = -9 + 2. 3 Perform the indicated operations. -19-13=-32 Perform the indicated operations. 15 + (-39) = 15 – 39 = -24 Fill in the correct value in the parentheses so the equation is correct. Let the missing number be x then 13 + x = -4 Subtract 13 from each side, we will get x = -4 – 13 = -17 13 + (-17) = -4 Answer: -17 Chapter 1 – Section 1. 4 Perform the indicated operation. (-8)(-6) = 48 Perform the indicated operations and reduce to lowest terms. 9/10 x4/3 Solution: = – 36/30 = -6/5 Fill in the correct value in the parentheses so the equation is correct. -48 divided by ( )=6 -48/ x = 6 ?-48 = 6x ?x = -48/6 = -8 Therefore, -48 (-8) = 6 Chapter 1 – Section 1. 5 Evaluate the expression using order of operations.. See Example 8. 3[(2-3)^2 +6 (6-4)^2] = 3[(-1)^2 + 6*(2)^2] = 3[1 + 24] = 3*25 = 75 Evaluate each expression using order of operations.. See Example 8 a) 8 – 3 |5 – 4 + 1 | = 8 – 3|5-16+ 1| = 8 – 3|-10| = 8-3*10 = 8 – 30 = -22 Chapter 1 – Section 1. 6Evaluate each expression using a = -1, b = 2, and c = -3. See Example 4. (a – c)(a + c) = a^2 – c^2 = (-1)^2 – (-3)^2 = 1 – 9 = -8 Determine whether the given number is a solution to the equation following it. See Example 5. Let us substitute x = 5 in the given equation, we will get 3(5) + 7 = 2(5) – 1 15 + 7 = 9 22 = 9 Which is not true Therefore 5 is not the solution of the given equation Chapter 1 – Section 1. 7 Use the commutative and associative properties of multiplication and exponential notation to rewrite each product.See Example 3. y(y*5)(wy) y(y * 5)(wy) =5wy3 Use the distributive property to remove the parentheses. See Example 5. -3(6-p) 3 (6 – p) = (-3)6 – (-3)p = -18 + 3p Chapter 1 – Section 1. 8 Combine like terms where possible. See Example 3. Simplify the following expression by combining like terms. See Example 8. 2a(a – 5) + 4(a -5) = 2a2 – 10a + 4a – 20 = 2a2 – 10a + 4a – 20 = 2a2 – 6a – 20 Simplify the expression. 1/4(6b+2)-2/3(3b-2) (Please note!! the ? and the 2/3 are fractions) Solution:

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